Monday, August 16, 2010


Chemical Romance v.s. Jonas Brothers?Why?

Chemical Romance

anything is better than the jonas brothers.
Reply:I'd have to say Jonas Brothers although i do like both bands very much. It's just the Jonas Brothers are better in my opinion.

Reply:My Chemical Romance. Such an easy question! MCR at least write their own songs with acual meaning in their lyrics and they're not just some lame "band" like the Jonas Brothers that cater for only the lame 12-14 year olds. The Jonas Brothers can't even manage to pick successful songs and bands to copy.
Reply:MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE !!! :] cause there awsome and my favorite band ^_^
Reply:i dont have a clue but will give you 15 bonus tones for your cell...
Reply:i dont have a clue but will give you 15 bonus tones for your cell...

at least they right their own songs and they have actual meaning to them
Reply:Jonas Brothers suck...why do people like them? I have never seen such an uglier family.

With that in mind, Chemical Romance (even though I'm not familiar with their music)

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