Wednesday, July 14, 2010


i am trying to download it....lolz.... i hate limwire and i had morpheus but its becoming difficult any suggestions

I use many P2P.

But... E-Mule is the one you'll like.

It has to offer waaay more then LimeWire

It's faster, more reliable and there are a lot's lot's of sources/servers from which you may download.
Reply:limewire works great, except if you are at college or a place where they block P2P (peer to peer)....if you want to get bettter results with Limewire try enabling a folder containing music you want to share (in the control panel) - that way you are not just 'freeloading' so to speak you are also sharing - this will results in you getting more hits for your searches. I strongly suggest against downloading other programs b/c a virus can ruin your entire computer.....there's a reason why Limewire is so popular ;)
Reply:For free billboards featuring indie artists try

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