Have you ever run into any "music elitists"? The kind of people who will listen ONLY to underground or unheard of artists? And also deem any remotely liked or popular music to be (for lack of a better word) crap?
Has it ever occurred to you (or them, really) that liking music SOLELY for the sake of it being weird or unknown is exactly the same as liking something that is popular only because it is popular? Sounds pretty hypocritical to me.
I like all kinds of music, from all genres. I like some popular stuff. I like some underground stuff.
I think the important thing is to ENJOY music---and not use music for an "image" thing.
I think whatever moves you should be what you like, and you shouldn't be afraid or embarrassed to admit you like Tori Amos, Justin Timberlake, Beethoven, Marilyn Manson, Bjork, and Snake River Conspiracy all in the same breath.
Any thoughts on how people use music to make or boost their "image"? Do you like or understand music elitism?
Music Elitism?
I agree..I don't like hypocrites..
personally I don't know what makes me like a certain song..some songs I hear one time and I love it and some songs I have to listen to 20 times before I like it...and then sometimes I just don't like the song at all, no matter what
I like to be open with music and try to listen to everything, Jazz, Classical, country, rap, rock, soul..somethings I don't like and some things I do..but I try not to base them on whats popular or not..
I know a lot of people who will only listen to music based on their "race", nationality, what their friends or family listen to, or even religion..most music is beautiful and I think people should give it a chance
Reply:i like the music i like regardless of the category and don't care what others like or dislike and don't judge them/./..
Reply:Well I listen to punk and ska and underground rap
Mainstream rap is sexist junk
mainstream punk is just stuff about your ex girlfriend an getting dumped and it gets annoying
im not an elitest,I just prefer the more hidden stuff that talks about things going on in the world and stuff
Reply:I think we should listen to all types of music,both mainstream and underground.we need to experience both to know the difference.i know some grown ups feel that the music teens listen to are crap and vice versa,but i don't think music elitism will ever stop.there are good music and bad music,and if you dislike the bad ones,then so be it.everyone has their opinion and can listen to what they like.what bugs me is people saying fall out boy's music is good and how much they like them,when in fact they're not that good.
Reply:These people are, for lack of a better word, douches. They are just know-it-alls that probably got picked on when they were kids, because they had to wear no-name sneakers from Caldors or K-Mart. Now they have to find some way to stand out from the crowd.
I don't like music elitism. Sure it's neat to hear something new for the first time, but it should be shared and enjoyed by everyone that wants to. I'm sure musicians want more than these music snobs to listen to their work.
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