Saturday, November 19, 2011

Heard Yahoo Music is being discontinued. Yet they are still soliciting subscriptions. What's up with that?

My music library was originally developed using Jukebox Musicmatch, and now I am about to migrate it to Yahoo Music, another dead-end. This is getting very frustrating and leads me to doubt the investment in any company offering to market a music library. Good thing I burned all the songs to CD's, but still, it seems obvious one cannot trust any music library on-line, and it causes problems when I try to open and play my music which needs regular changing of the associated program. Recently my Windows Player was denied authentication to play some of the music saved in Jukebox Musicmatch, now Yahoo Music. It's hard to keep up with this game. Any advice?

Heard Yahoo Music is being discontinued. Yet they are still soliciting subscriptions. What's up with that?
It is probably a lie or a joke. Try to check Yahoo site or contact yahoo staff at the site bellow:

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