Thursday, August 19, 2010

Downloading music on my BlackBerry?

I have tried for weeks to get my music from my computer downloaded on my blackberry. I have tried Media Manager and moving my music file to my blackberry media card. I called ATT Tech Support and Blackberry Tech Support. Both Tech support could not help me with my problem. I downloaded my music on a blank cd and my sister's friends could not help me with downloading my music.I notice my music on my computer is MWA on MPR. I tired to buy music from Napstar (which I do not know how to use) to put on my blackberry. I had no luck with Napstar. Somepe please help me. Can someone tell me how to download my music or a site that I can transfer my music to my blackberry.

Downloading music on my BlackBerry?
I'm not to sure what file formats the BB supports, but I have MP3 and AAC on mine. I have a Mac, but I'd assume this process works on a Windows PC too. I'm also assuming you have a MicroSD card in your BB - you will need one of these.

Explore the card (my computer? file explorer? i forget what its called) and find the drive that is your mounted MicroSD card. open it up, and there should be a folder called "music" and if there's not, you can create one.

Next, I have iTunes open, find the song I want, right click it and hit "reveal in..." or "show location" or something along that line. [I only have experience with iTunes, but if you use something else, just find where it saves the songs]

Then, just copy it from that location to the Music folder on the BB SD card.

On mine, I have a Music folder, then within that each artist has a folder, and within that each album has a folder.

Not exactly the easiest process, but it works.

baby teeth

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