i've seen a lot of christian tv shows about how the beattles, the who, led zeppelin, the doors were inspired and controlled by satan.
even vanilla secular music like willie nelson, hank williams, madonna get called "inspired by the devil" by christian preachers.
every christian musician says their music was a "gift from god" and that "god gets the credit". yet christian music is mostly a mediocre copy of whatever is popular in secular music at the time. even the christian genres are defined by the secular music they imitate. christian rock, christian rap etc...
With GOD to inspire them shouldn't christians be inventing the genres? Christians setting the trends? Shouldn't secular music be imitating them? Does satan just have better taste and more musical talent than god?
isn't your favorite music secular? don't you prefer secular music because it is so much more inspired and original that christian music? i sure do.
chew on that
Why is "satanic" music so much better than "christian" music? Serious question.?
clearly both god and satan are superstition, but if satanic music is better it could be because the artistic brain is usually individualistic, often rebellious.
I want my two dollars
Reply:Well Satan is all about making us happy here on earth and while we live, well that's what I hear at least!
Reply:So called "Satanic" music is better because it is more creative and more free and open. Christian music is mostly propaganda. This is the same reason why art stagnates during dictatorships, because creativity is curtained.
It think it has gotten to the point where Satan represents anything good, creative, and popular, while so-called "Christian" stuff is boring.
Reply:My opinion why Willie and friends' music is labelled "inspired by the devil" is for no other reason than their lifestyle. Ever heard Willie sing "Amazing Grace?" Awesome. And yet C%26amp;W songs are considered wholesome, even though so many of them are about infidelity and recovering from hangovers.
Reply:I agree with you that Contemporary Christian Music is lame. let's face it, it is horrible. It is very cold, stock, and there is no Feeling.
However, A lot of classical composers like Bach wrote pieces that many would say were divinely inspired.
Ah, I love Classical Music. Unless you are an atheist, most people would say that Classical music is DIVINE.
But, I believe that there are classy Atheists who would go so far as saying that Classical Music like Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, etc. are DIVINE.
Reply:Just because some idiot says it's Satanic doesn't mean it is
Besides, the devil is a hell of a fiddle player, I don't recall god ever playing any instrument
Reply:Anything not specifically preaching/saying/singing the same point of view as cult leaders is normally demonized. Christianity, whether true or not, is a giant cult, there fore all music is made by the devil unless it says what the religious leader want it to.
Reply:Country music is Satanic. Only the devil could come up with music so terrible.
Reply:My favorite music is secular, hints at a god, satanic, pagan, and heathen. It depends on the artist.
Many rap artists thank this god, this explains why rap is crap....
Reply:I think it's just a matter of taste. One of my best friends listens to mainly christian or classical music.
Reply:Any music that inspires real human passion gets labeled as "Satanic." So it's not really that "Satanic" music is good, but good music is "Satanic."
Reply:The answer is very simple.
Musicians who have no agenda, other than playing music, have to get famous on the strength of their song writing and performing talent.
Musicians that are marketed to a particular crowd get famous on the religion or culture that they represent. A medicore musician can gain fame selling religion or culture.
That is not to say that people who are religious are who are very cultural cannot be good musicians, but you should ask yourself if they're selling you music or something else.
Reply:because it rocks
Reply:It's not satanic, it's just music, but much good rock music comes from rebellion and sexuality, and musical risk-taking. Puritanical religion would not allow such wild stuff as Jazz and then Heavy Rock...it is too sexual and provoking...
Don't forget though, there is some awesome music from the 'spiritual' tradition, and much modern rock has black gospel roots, including bands like the makeup, who SERIOUSLY ROCKED HARD...
You are generalizing way too much...are you telling none of the classical (Christian) composers were any good? You know, the ones that 90% of power metal bands blatantly ripped off...and badly...
Cliff Richard vs Led Zep I'll give you...
But then do you want to try Alice Cooper (Christian) vs Venom?
Reply:The devil is trying to tempt you and lead you to sin by this music. If you enjoy it, you have been lured into hell!
Totally joking, I like this "satan music" but I like Christian music too, sometimes.
Reply:Well that sure is powerful stuff you have to say. I don't know how to respond to something as awesome as that. I really am impressed with your genius.
Was that the response you were seeking?
Reply:See also 1John 4:4, 1Pet. 5:8-9, etc. The underlined phrase above indicates that Satan influences what we hear from the air -- What is broadcast over the radio, tv and movies, whether spoken, sung. or suggested.
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