Thursday, August 19, 2010

Music Theory?

I am currently a junior in high school. I have just recently decided that I want to go to college for music and study guitar(probably jazz guitar). I have been playing guitar for three years and have just recently started piano lessons. I dont know anything about music theory, and I understand that I must know how to read notes and know music theory to get accepted into college for a major or minor in music. I also want to take a music theory class in my senior year, and need to know basic music theory. I have until august 31st of this year to learn basic theory, and then another 10 months or so after that to get a firm grasp on theory. Do you have any advice, anything I could do or study? Please people, I have decided what I want to do with my life, and need some guidance. Thanks.

Music Theory?
Guitar is a good instrument to learn chords and that part of theory. Piano will help with the rest. I would continue with lessons, but also get some books on the subject, and PLAY. The best way to learn (and understand) theory is to simply play an instrument...alot.
Reply:Get some advice from school. They may recommend a private tutor; or even better, may have a teacher that can take you on.
Reply:Probably the first thing you need to do is learn to read music! Without that ability you won't get into any school. I really think that you have waited much too long to ever be successful in the music worlk, whether it's teaching or performing.
Reply:I'm trying to learn some music theory too, I need a basic grasp of it for my music GCSE. Your best bet is a comprehensive revision book.

CGP books are great and their "GCSE Core Content Music Revision Guide (Music Theory)" book looks really good, however, the company is based in the UK. They may deliver overseas, you would have to contact them. If not, then look on amazon for a good book and sit down and learn it.

human teeth

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