Thursday, August 19, 2010

Music in LOTR: Two Towers trailer...?

I really like the music in the second half of the two towers trailer, but it's not from Howard Shore's score for the LOTR movies. I was able to figure out that the music is from Requiem for a Dream (which is kind of weird-- first because they used music from another movie to promote their movie, and second because I haven't seen Requiem for a Dream but I know that it's about drug addicts and using music from a movie about drug addicts for a LOTR trailer seems a bit odd), but I don't know what song it is. I want to buy that one song on iTunes-- can somebody help me figure out which one it is? You can watch the trailer at And from listening to the samples on iTunes, I think that the music I want is either "Marion Barfs", "Hope Overture", "Summer Overture", or "Lux Aeterna." They all sound a little different than the music in the LOTR trailer. Which one is the closest to it, and which one should I buy?

Music in LOTR: Two Towers trailer...?
Okay, the song featured in the "LOTR: The Two Towers" trailer is called "Requiem For A Tower" and it's based on "Lux Aeterna" from "Requiem For A Dream". Officially it's called "Lux Aeterna(Full Orchestral Remix).

"Requiem For A Tower" was done by The Ant Farm, a company that does music for trailers.

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